Music Aesthetics
Song Composition Theory
音樂知識美學 |
TX Aesthetics of Music |
音樂格律的破立 |
Music Grammars & Creativity |
譜曲的美學探索 |
Case Study on TX Music Aesthetics |
旋律分析 |
Composition Theory and Melody Analysis of Songs |
歌曲賞析 |
Comparative Analysis of Songs |
歌劇賞析:莫札特 |
Analysis of
Operas: Mozart |
歌詞創作 |
Verse Analysis and Composition |
音樂要素/藝術與科技 創作分析架構 |
Aspects of Music: Art with Tech
Composition Analysis Framework |
MIDI要素 |
Aspects of MIDI |
基礎樂理 |
Music Grammar Basics |
總譜:軟體與音源 |
Score of the Music: Overture and Synth |
Overture 記譜法‧頻道視窗設定 |
Digital Notation Methods‧Tracks Windows Settings |
命令列與小節設定 |
Command Bar and Measuers
Settings |
數據檢視//圖形視窗/琴軸檢視 |
Data View//Graphic Window/Piano Roll View |
和弦控制版//和弦視窗與和弦設定/ |
Chords Window and Chord Input //Tools Panel-Chords Section |
歌詞視窗//歌詞控制版 |
Tools Panel- Lyrics Section//Lyrics Window |
發音技巧 |
Articulations |
Form Design
多樂章曲式 |
Multi Movement Forms |
範例分析:給愛麗絲 |
Exam: Fur Elise |
和聲:共鳴與自然音階 |
Acoustic Music and Natural Scales |
調律與數位音階 |
Temperament and Digital Scales |
調與調式音階 |
Keys, Modes and Modal Scales |
顯波學與癒療音階 |
Cymatics, Kymatica and Medicinal Scale |
藍調與特色調式音階 |
Blues and Genre Modes |
和弦分析 |
Chord Analysis |
代理/轉位/人聲和弦 |
Substitute, Inversed,
Human Chords |
和弦進行提要 |
Chord Progression Design |
終止型與級進進行 |
Cadence and Stepwise
Progression |
大調/小調和弦進行 |
Major/ Minor Mode Chord Progression |
轉調‧藍調和弦進行 |
Modulation, Blues, Modal Chord Progression |
名曲和弦進行示範 |
Demos of Popular Works
全曲和弦進行綜合設計與實作 |
Total Chord Progression Design and Practice |
對位 |
Counterpoint Design |
節奏/4拍 |
Rhythm Analysis
and Design/ 4-Beat |
3拍/2拍/混合拍 |
3-Beat, 2-Beat, Fusion |
節奏模組,節奏動感搖梗 |
Rhythm Patterns,
Groove Rhythm |
全曲節奏綜合設計與實作 |
Rhythm Design and Practice |
配器 |
Instrument Arrangement |
數位樂器 |
Digital Instruments |
音階樂器與 GM |
Melodic Instruments and GM Patches |
打擊樂器與 GM |
and General MIDI Patches |
TX 結構意涵取向配器法 |
TX Structural-Contextual Approach
Instrumentation |
GM 民族樂器‧跨文化樂器配器 |
Ethnic Instrumentation: GM Ethnic, Cross-cultural |
民族樂器配器:中華民族樂器 |
Ethnic Instrumentation: Chinese |
看見聲音:《韓熙載夜宴圖》 |
Sounds: The Night Revels of Han Xizai |
創意配器:中華現代樂器 |
Creative Instrumentation:
Modern Chinese |
創意配器:演化樂器 |
Creative Instrumentation: Evolving |
創意配器:變身樂器 |
Creative Instrumentation: Transforming |
人聲樂器:聲樂 |
Vocal Instrumentation |
人聲樂器的變化 |
Variants of Vocal/ Human Voices |
全曲配器綜合設計與實作 |
Total Instrumentation Design and Practice |
襯音、即興與變奏 |
Fill in and ad lib
Design |
編曲收成與輔奏 |
Finishing up: Prelude, Interlude, Postlude |
編曲收成、輔奏與列印輸出實作 |
Design and Practice of Total Finishing up and Output |
變格作曲與變格編曲 |
Alternative Composition Theory and Arrangement Methods |
演奏/創意與詮釋 |
Performance/Creative & Interpretive |
音樂流派的知識分類法 |
Methodology for Genres Taxonomy |
流派-音樂分佈圖/展示 |
Genre- Music
Map/Demo |

MIDI Production
Sonar 設定 |
Sonar Settings |
錄音與後製-Midi |
Midi Editing
& Post Production- Midi Notes |
合成/轉化/輸出音軌 |
Bounce and Export |
錄音與後製-數位聲音 |
Wave Editing
& Post Production- Digital Audio |
混音自動化 |
Mixing and Automation |
等化與雜訊處理 |
Equalization |
特效設計 |
Special Effect Featuring |
總控與輸出 |
Mastering and Converting Output |
Demo & Exercise
統雄作品選 |
Selection of Sean TX Wu's Work |
相逢 |
Encounter |
媽媽的愛心 |
Mother's Love |
Music and Culture, Science, Information
音樂創作研究科學方法 |
Scientific Research Methods in Music Composition |
音樂創作知識管理 |
Scientific Research Methods in Music Composition by Information Technology |
Digital Sound Effect
光碟標籤與包裝設計 |
of CD's Label and Package
Lab and Activities
臺大數位音樂實驗室 |
NTU Midi Lab |
實驗室發展歷程 |
Chronicle of NTU Midi Lab |
研究目錄 |
Listing of Research Papers by Sean TX Wu |
吳統雄數位音樂作品目錄 |
Listing of Digital Music Works by Sean TX Wu |