Interdisciplinary Learning and Independent Probing
A Glance at TX
TX Community is a Chinese-English bilingual academic website. Its focus is to discover new epistemology and new quantitative methodology in Human's Behavior with new concept of "The 3rd knowledge".
TX Community gains more than 3 thousands keywords that are standing on the first positon on Google Ranking woldwide. It is the only one personal website that is able to reach this record in the world.
TX Community's research efforts are: Adoption Modeling, Knowledge Innovation, Ecommerce Marketing Strategy, Web-based Learning, Media Design and Management. The host also is guiding a College Youth Web Magazine that is produced and published by an integrated virtual campus. He also provides Internship service in information management. All exchange activities are welcome.
Wu wants to share his belief and pursuit in "Interdisciplinary Learning and Independent Enquiring" with his friends and students.
indicates a
life style in balanced and
proactive learning practice
. He has learned
scientific philosophy,
web business,
digital contents,
music. Upon his experience, he
believes everyone has the potential to develop all of those interests.
Some people advocate "Two Cultures" in which one culture is into logics and numbers while the other is in search of arts and imagination; and the two cultures they do not talk to each other. Furthermore, they explain that human's brain has two hemispheres that separately control human's rational behavior or spiritual features. This theory sees half of the people has a good right brain and the other half is used to prosper left brain.
However, Wu would like to remind: human does have a holistic brain? doesn't he?
Many of people, explicitly or implicitly, follow the directions of "Two Cultures" by the cultivation effect from the modern education system that divides knowledge spectrum into "schools" and trivial majors.
Wu wants to clarify that majors are for categories of jobs and not for clusters of humans and grounded knowledge.
The greatest educators and masters always emphasize interdisciplinary development such as Confucius and Aristotle.
Independent Enquiring points out a skepticism philosophy and trained capability of good taste.
It is much easier to say "independent judgment" than to really implement it. People, unconsciously, are convinced to take evaluation from authority and common sense that are not necessary always to be true.
Wu wants to state the fact: in Europe, before the 15th century, the authority of knowledge, the power of explaining universe, the prestige symbol of truth was the church.
It happened in the history, it happens right now, and it will happen in the future. We are not really aware of it, if we do not have real independent characteristics.